Understanding prevailing wage law
Many of California's construction projects are funded by state/local government. Contractors on these "public works" projects must pay workers certain minimum wage rates set by the State of California for each different trade. Workers on public works projects are protected under California's Prevailing Wage Law.
Unfortunately, many contractors pay their employees less than the minimum required prevailing wage. In a race-to-the-bottom, many contractors do not pay the proper wage so that they can be the lowest bidder on a public work.
The State of California publishes general "prevailing wage" determinations twice each year. These wage determinations set the wage rate for workers on public works projects. These are the rates that must be paid. If a contractors does not pay these rates, they are violating the law.

William Donahoo provides an overview of prevailing wage law and how it applies to workers in California.

Do you find yourself wondering:
- Why are my coworkers paid more than me for doing the same job. Is that legal?
- I've heard that other construction companies pay their employees more than I get. Am I making less than prevailing wage?
- My employer pays me less than prevailing wage. How do I force them to pay me the wages I deserve?
- I was misclassified by my employer and have not been paid overtime. How do I get payment for the hours I worked?
At Donahoo & Associates, PC, we have a long history of success in Prevailing Wage disputes. We know how to investigate these disputes and present a strong case for our clients in negotiation and litigation.
When your employer violates the law and pays you less than the prevailing wage, our experienced team of attorneys will be on your side. We have extensive wage and hour law experience, including at trial and appeals. We will aggressively represent your interests.
Prevailing wage job classifications
California sets public works wage rates for worker trades or "classifications." These classifications include many different trades. Common classifications include:
- Laborer
- Carpenter
- Electrician
- Iron Worker
- Journeyman
- Operating Engineer
- Landscaper
- Boilermaker
- Pile Driver
- Drywall Installer
- Hazardous Material
- Asbestos Worker
- Cement Mason
- Fence Builder
- Teamster
- Painter
- Parking & Highway Improvement
You work too hard to be paid less than prevailing wage

We have recovered millions of dollars in damages for workers in cases similar to yours. We will listen to your concerns and explain how California's employment laws apply to you. If your employer is violating Prevailing Wage Law, we will aggressively protect your interests.
Protect your rights! Call 877.788.5353 or contact us for a free and comprehensive legal analysis of your case or issue.