Orange County Company Charged with Prevailing Wage Fraud

April 15, 2016

Last updated on November 17, 2023

Class Action

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and the Orange County District Attorney announced that they have charged an Orange County company with multiple felony counts of failing to pay employees prevailing wages on public works contracts, tax fraud, and insurance fraud.

Businesses that fail to pay prevailing wages are subject to criminal prosecution as well as civil liability.

Workers who have not been paid the proper wages can seek representation from a private employment attorney to exercise their right of private action. This right gives workers the opportunity to use a private employment lawyer to enforce the state of California’s prevailing wage laws and recover the unpaid prevailing wages for unpaid hours, unpaid overtime, and unpaid travel time as well as applicable interest and applicable penalties. If you believe you have not been paid the proper wages on a public works project contact Donahoo & Associates, PC for a confidential and free consultation.

For information on the allegations by the County of Orange against the contract, see the Orange County District Attorney and the Department of Industrial Relations press release.

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