Judge Rules Against Cities on Wage Law

September 4, 2014

Last updated on November 17, 2023

Several cities in San Diego County have argued that public construction projects funded locally are not subject to state prevailing wage rules. A new state law going into effect January 1, 2015 requires charter cities to pay prevailing wages regardless of the funding source. Disregarding this law would result in forfeit of most state construction dollars.

Superior Court Judge Joel Wohlfeil issued a tentative decision on Wednesday rejecting the arguments of the four cities bringing the suit. He has not yet issued a final ruling.

Prevailing wage rates are intended to reflect the common pay in a region and provide a standard scale of pay for each skilled trade. According to the law, the prevailing wage must be pay on all public works projects above $25,000 for construction and $15,000 for alteration, demolition, repair or maintenance.

Prevailing wage and other wage laws are designed to ensure quality work and protect workers from exploitation. Workers not paid fairly and according to the laws can lodge a complaint and seek remedy through private action brought by an employment law firm such as Donahoo & Associates, PC.

Read more about the recent ruling in a recent article in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

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